Pasadena Construction Accident Lawyer

Los Angeles is constantly under development, with hundreds of construction sites in operation every single day. Construction workers are at the highest risk of injury at construction sites, but the general public is not immune. Pedestrians could be hurt just by walking near or through a construction site. Drivers could get in accidents caused by freeway and highway construction. The most common construction injuries are caused by falls, electrocution, falling objects, getting caught in between objects, and fires. These incidents could cause broken bones, cuts, burns, eye injuries, loss of hearing, spine injuries, and traumatic brain injuries (TBI). The construction industry is heavily regulated because the work can be so dangerous. Construction companies are responsible for complying with and maintaining proper safety standards at their worksites. If someone slips up or cuts corners, innocent people can get hurt. That’s where Pyramid Legal comes in.
We hold developers, construction companies, contractors, and construction site operators responsible for any harm they cause because of recklessness or negligence. A
personal injury claim can help you recover for your damages – that could cover the cost of your medical treatment, any income you may lose from being unable to work, and any pain and suffering you experience because of your injury.

How a Construction Accident Attorney Can Help

Construction crews must abide by certain standards of care at all California construction sites. If they fail to do so, that negligence could cause injury to others. Sometimes, accidents simply happen. Workers make mistakes. But personal injury law makes sure that innocent victims aren’t left paying for the consequences of these mistakes. Construction companies are responsible for the actions of their employees while they’re on the job. So even if a worker makes a mistake, you can hold the construction company liable.  Construction site injuries tend to be severe because of the danger involved. Not to mention – pedestrians, innocent bystanders, and third parties often don’t have hard hats and other important safety equipment that would lessen their injuries.
  • Dangerous scaffolding could fall onto unprotected pedestrians walking below.
  • Defective power tools or electrical wiring could cause electrocution or fire.
  • If a construction company pushes their workers to put in long hours or fails to give their workers the required breaks, those tired workers could make more mistakes.
  • Negligently or carelessly operated trucks, tractors, cranes, bulldozers, and other heavy machinery could cause dangerous or deadly collisions.
  • Lack of railings or unsecured elevator shafts could cause fatal falls.
Depending on the facts of your case, responsibility for your injury could fall on the construction site developer, any contractors or subcontractors, the architect or designer of the site, the engineer or engineering company, or the equipment manufacturer or distributor. Going up against a construction company or their insurance company in court might sound intimidating, but you can even the playing field by working with Pyramid Legal. We’re ready to take on negligent companies and bad actors in court for our clients if necessary. When you’ve got us in your corner, you can rest assured that your case is in good hands. Contact our experienced attorneys for a free consultation now.

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